Monday, March 19, 2012

We have our FIRST tooth!

It was a big day in the Valente household-Mason cut his FIRST tooth!

We have been waiting for months and his bottom tooth finally came in this morning.

Such a big boy!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Seven Whole Months Old!

Mason is a whopping 7 months old and becoming more and more independent by the day.

After a fun start to this month with family and friends in New Jersey, we arrived home with a very sick little man. Mason had RSV this month and as a result we all had a very rough 3 weeks! Our little dude was absolutely miserable and there wasn't a whole lot we could do to help him since the virus just needed to run its course. He managed to have a GREAT 1st Valentine's Day though and was still an adorable little Heart Breaker, even with a faucet for a nose!!

Mase gained a lot of balance this month. He is full-on walking (or should we say "running") in his walker now. Its funny to see the dogs run the other way as soon as they see the wild man coming! He is also sitting up by himself and does NOT like to sit still for a minute. Mason finally rolled from his back to his belly, which we have been working on for awhile and we actually caught it on video~ Check it out below!

Mason is learning how to get into a little trouble now too! His new favorite past-time is to run to the window in his walker to pull on the blinds! We have started childproofing the house as well as he is infatuated with the outlets and the knobs on the cabinets!

We have a power eater on our hands just as Dr. Dorsey said. On a normal day, Mason will have 4-5 bottles of 6-8 oz of formula as well as solids and cereal twice a day. He cannot get enough of his favorite food which is Sweet Potato Chicken but also loves his carrots, bananas. squash, green beans, corn, peas, pears and peaches! Really he is just NOT a fan of spinach, lentils and also HATES apples.

We are really enjoying how vocal Mason is becoming. He is babbling up a storm and full of new noises and shrieks every day. Most of what he is saying is babble but his favorite sound to make is usually DaDa. Not quite ready to claim it as a first word but Daddy gets excited every time!!

We started swim lessons last weekend and had a great time splashing around in the pool. Mase did great for the first 15 minutes and absolutely LOVED the pool. Unfortunately, he got sooo excited about blowing bubbles that he gulped a bit of water and scared himself a bit-so the last 10 minutes were a little rough. All in all, it was a great experience and we can't wait to go again next week!

Mase in AWE of washing machine!

Mason still spends a ton of time in his playroom reading books, playing with toys and watching some of his favorite shows! He especially loves his talking and dancing puppies and tool bench as well. His favorite Mickey Mouse episode is the Hibiscus Hula and we hula together every time it comes on!

March is already off to a wonderful start!  We are soo excited for Spring and getting outside for walks and visits to the park. We have a few special visitors planned and a few first holidays to celebrate! Cannot wait to see what Month 8 holds for us!