Monday, May 14, 2012

So Much Happening at 9 Months!

Mason is now 9 months old and becoming more and more independent by the day!  This month he has learned how to clap hands, pull up, stand up and also how to crawl.  He is not yet walking but he wants to so, so badly!
This month we went to Mason's first baseball game at Charlotte Knights Stadium.  Check out this video of Mason clapping his hands for pre-game.

The day started off happy so one would think after this video but on the way to the game Mason was not a happy camper.  He cried most of the way.  When we got there and he got out of the car, all was ok again.  We sat down and enjoyed the company of the other families and watched Dada and his team walk across the field.  All was ok and then, right before the first pitch, Mason started screaming- the game ended for us before it even began.  To top it off, Mamma tripped up the stairs on the way out!  A very memorable first baseball game for sure!

He looks pretty content here, right?
Luckily we took a quick photo but he is getting antsy....
Time to GO! 

Bath time has changed quite a bit since Mason started sitting up in the bath and playing with his duckie!
Take a quick peak at some FUN in the TUB!


       "I have 2 TOOFERS now!"

Mason mastered chewing earlier this month and his bottom teeth are growing quick!  This has allowed us to introduce some new foods to his daily routine.  This month's new favorites included: chicken, turkey, spinach, potatoes, broccoli, yogurt, 
cheese, bread and pasta.  He just loves his finger foods and has not HATED much so far in the food category!  He is sleeping very well at night but still hates to take naps.  

His days go something like this- 
6:30- Wake Up
10 am-Nap (1-2 hrs)
12 noon-Lunch
2pm-Snack and Nap
5pm- Dinner
7 pm-Bottle/Bed

We spent a few hours at Cane Creek Park.  Dada took the afternoon off when Mamma was on vacation.  We went for a walk.  Watched the ducks swim by and made sure to squeeze in a quick photo!

We also made sure to have a breakfast play date with Ashlyn.
Mason was such a gentleman and let her sit in his high chair!

Smiling at Mamma before she leaves for work!

We are just loving watching our little boy grow and become more independent by the day but it truly is bittersweet.  We have started to plan Mason's first birthday party and keep thinking, where has the time gone?  We have a big roadtrip planned for next month so sure we'll have plenty of stories, videos and pictures for next month. Hope everyone's Spring is off to a GREAT start!