Saturday, December 1, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

15 Months...Oh My!

Mason is now a whopping 15 months old.  We have had quite the crazy start to the fall.  We spent most of September with Mason's beloved Great Gram as she lost her fight to pancreatic cancer on September 23rd.  She will be forever missed but things have since gotten back to "normal".  We've been enjoying the amazing weather and spend lots of time outdoors where is Mason's  wants to be!  He just loves the playground and could spend all day climbing the stairs and sliding down the slide.  He is so independent and wants to actually do this on his own if we would let him!  Such a big boy!

Mason also went on his first chaperoned date with his little girl friend Genevieve.  She invited him to see Disney on Ice.   We were surprised that Mason was able to sit long enough to see some of his favorite characters!  They had such a great time at dinner and then at the show.  At one point they were mimicking each other at dinner-it was sooo cute!

Mason now has eight teeth and is quite the little daredevil.  He is running a muck and climbing all over the place.  He is starting to test us and our patience daily and has learned quickly how to throw temper tantrums - lucky us!!  :)

This little boy sure is a boy's-boy but hasn't tried to climb out of his crib just yet!
We had a great time pumpkin picking with Grandma and Mason wasn't sure ow he was going to pick his very favorite pumpkin!

We are down to one nap a day and it has been a great transition for this little dude! Unfortunately, he has become quite the picky eater and meals, especially dinner, are not very productive!  Our recent favorite foods are: broccoli, shrimp poppers, eggs and chicken tenders.  He still loves cereal and grits!  Yes, a real country boy!  We sneak in apple sauce, string cheese, crackers, graham crackers but meals have definitely changed lately.

Mamma and Grandma made DELICIOUS Gluten Free Candy Corn Cupcakes for Halloween!
Mason just loves playing outside!  He is kicking his soccer ball like a real pro and also loves to throw it across the yard with all of his mite.  He is also saying a few words these days--Dada, Mamma, Coco and of course his favorite, ball, made the cut!
"Get me out of this SILLY dragon costume!"

LOVE pushing my wagon and anything else on wheels! 

Mason had a great time celebrating Halloween with his fellow dragon buddy Declan.  Highlight of the year - Mason enjoyed putting his candy back in the dishes as opposed to taking them.   What we were thinking when we thought he'd actually ride in the wagon???  
"Declan, why are you sleeping?  This candy stuff is AWESOME!"

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mason's First Year

Dear Baby Mason,

Happy Birthday little man! A year ago our lives were forever changed in the most amazing way when you came out screaming at 11:13 am.  You are a whole year old and we cannot even believe it!  Last year, around this time, we were waking up from our first sleep and couldn’t even believe you were ours to keep!  Our miracle baby was finally here and we were so thankful!  A whole year later, you are amazingly independent at a whopping 22 lbs and 30 inches long!  Really, where has the last 12 months gone?

At one year, you’re walking and running. You love to eat but can be very particular about your textures.  You love mashed potatoes, zucchini pie, broccoli, and grits and have a newfound passion for peach milkshakes!  You mimic sounds and things that we do and just love being chased and learning the alphabet!  You are trying so hard to talk and make all the right sounds, but haven’t quite figured how to put them in words yet.

You have five teeth in your mouth right now, three at the bottom and two at the top and we are looking forward to being on the other side of this particularly heinous teething spell.  You have grown into size four shoes, and still fitting in most 12 month size clothing.  You love playing with the remote control and any other item that we use daily and that’s not a toy!   You are also a big fan of wagon rides!

You have taken a sudden dislike to laying down and only want to be standing or moving which can become very challenging when it comes to diaper changes and bath time!  You still don’t really LOVE the car seat but have been doing much better with car rides.

We have traveled so much with you this year. By the time today is over you will technically have been on 3 flights and 5 road trips!

Your Antique Toy themed first birthday party was great (August 11th).  We had a ton of family come in from out of town to celebrate along with some good friends!  I decorated a cake for you with a radio flyer wagon on top and put together a fabulous dessert table.  The kids loved it!  All of you antique toys were out to be played with and we gave away buckets with glider planes, wooden car, wooden train whistles and slinky! You ran around playing with everyone and had a BLAST!   When we sang for you, you clapped and smiled and absolutely adored the delicious icing you rubbed all over your face and head. We will remember your 1st birthday party forever…such a special day!

We have learned so much about being parents.  You have brought such joy and have taught us the true meaning of unconditional love and patience. We can’t wait to see what this next year brings us!  You are such a gift Mason and as amazing as the first year has been, we can only imagine what is yet to come.

Happy birthday Baby Boy!   Our love for you is indescribable!

Mama & Dada


Monday, July 16, 2012

Our BIG boy is 11 months old!

We cannot believe that Mason is only ONE month away from being a whole year old! It  has been extremely bittersweet to watch our baby grow into such a little man!  He has quite the personality as well; very strong willed and independent.  He wants what he wants, when he wants it and does not take no for answer.  Needless to say, our hands have been FULL!  

Happy Father's Day Dada!

Mason spends most of his free time playing with all of his toys, reading books, going to the pool, walks with Grandma and anything else we can find to keep him busy!  This boy has ants in his pants and does not sit still!

Mason and Dada reading a favorite!    

Mason prefers we hold his bottle for him and is still 
not thrilled with sippy cups.  Still a work in progress.

Mason has been working on his walking skills all month and finally got his first few steps down!  Here is a video of him on the move.

Mamma and Mason share a strawberry milkshake 
- his first ice cream experience -YUM!

Mason, Anna and Jake having a snack after some fun in the sun!
Happy 90th Great Gram!

Mason and Mamma decided to take a last minute trip to celebrate Great Grandma's 90th Birthday!  The flight was stressful to say the least but a great time was had by all of the Gebhardt clan!
Mason hanging with Grandpa Gebby!

Mamma and Mason enjoying some sun!

Mason rocking the swim diaper on 
one of his many play dates with Ashlyn!
Mason had a great time celebrating his first 4th of July with The Cohays.   
Ellie had a blast jumping in the jumperoo while 
Mason played with his favorite dino!

Mason didn't want to take his monthly crib shot!  This month we tried more times than we could count and finally gave up.  Luckily he didn't mind taking the same picture on the floor with his favorite ball!  Gotta love this face!  :)


Sunday, June 17, 2012

10 Quick Months

Another month flew on and we just cannot even believe that our wild little man is 10 months old already.  A year ago we were prepping for his arrival and just finishing up his nursery.  We cannot believe that in two short months we will celebrating his first birthday!

Mason weighed in at a solid 21 pounds this month and just loves to eat!  He is always looking to eat what we are eating and loves most of what we give him to try.  This month his new favorites include broccoli, grilled cheese, pizza, waffles zucchini pie and pasta!  
Mason loves BROCCOLI..

Mase is getting stronger by the day!  He is on the verge of walking but is crawling and cruising around like a pro, always on the move and constantly keeping us on our toes!

May was a very busy month filled with birthday celebrations, holidays and roadtrips!   We celebrated Mother's Day all weekend long with a picnic and Sunday brunch.  Then continued the fun the following weekend with a visit from Auntie Risa for DaDa's birthday and his first 5k!

A Mother's Day Picnic at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
Mother's Day Fun!

We love our new fountain
They did it!  

We decided to take a last minute trip to Carolina Beach to spend some time at the beach for Mase's  First Memorial Day!  We had a great couple of nights away and then finished the weekend up at the Taylor Glen Pool.   Mason LOVED the beach-especially the waves and sand.

Check out this video montage of the trip!

Beach Bum!

Best Buddies!

Memorial Day Weekend 
First Visit to Taylor Glen Pool

Auntie Diana celebrated her 9th recital this year and we made a family roadtrip to NJ to make sure we were there to be a part of it!  While in there we had so much fun visiting with as many people as we could in ONE CRAZY week!

Mason loved the birdies!

~A visit with Great Gram~
~Mase loves Dom and Tina~

~Just hangin' around with Grandpa Gebby and B~
~Cousins enjoying some time together before dinner at GaGa and PopPop's house~

~The THREE Amigos~
~Liv making Mase giggle~

~Pool date with Ellie and Auntie Rachel~

Just when we think it can't get any better... IT DOES!!


Monday, May 14, 2012

So Much Happening at 9 Months!

Mason is now 9 months old and becoming more and more independent by the day!  This month he has learned how to clap hands, pull up, stand up and also how to crawl.  He is not yet walking but he wants to so, so badly!
This month we went to Mason's first baseball game at Charlotte Knights Stadium.  Check out this video of Mason clapping his hands for pre-game.

The day started off happy so one would think after this video but on the way to the game Mason was not a happy camper.  He cried most of the way.  When we got there and he got out of the car, all was ok again.  We sat down and enjoyed the company of the other families and watched Dada and his team walk across the field.  All was ok and then, right before the first pitch, Mason started screaming- the game ended for us before it even began.  To top it off, Mamma tripped up the stairs on the way out!  A very memorable first baseball game for sure!

He looks pretty content here, right?
Luckily we took a quick photo but he is getting antsy....
Time to GO! 

Bath time has changed quite a bit since Mason started sitting up in the bath and playing with his duckie!
Take a quick peak at some FUN in the TUB!


       "I have 2 TOOFERS now!"

Mason mastered chewing earlier this month and his bottom teeth are growing quick!  This has allowed us to introduce some new foods to his daily routine.  This month's new favorites included: chicken, turkey, spinach, potatoes, broccoli, yogurt, 
cheese, bread and pasta.  He just loves his finger foods and has not HATED much so far in the food category!  He is sleeping very well at night but still hates to take naps.  

His days go something like this- 
6:30- Wake Up
10 am-Nap (1-2 hrs)
12 noon-Lunch
2pm-Snack and Nap
5pm- Dinner
7 pm-Bottle/Bed

We spent a few hours at Cane Creek Park.  Dada took the afternoon off when Mamma was on vacation.  We went for a walk.  Watched the ducks swim by and made sure to squeeze in a quick photo!

We also made sure to have a breakfast play date with Ashlyn.
Mason was such a gentleman and let her sit in his high chair!

Smiling at Mamma before she leaves for work!

We are just loving watching our little boy grow and become more independent by the day but it truly is bittersweet.  We have started to plan Mason's first birthday party and keep thinking, where has the time gone?  We have a big roadtrip planned for next month so sure we'll have plenty of stories, videos and pictures for next month. Hope everyone's Spring is off to a GREAT start!