Saturday, November 26, 2011


Mason celebrated his First Thanksgiving with Grandma Lynn, GaGa Martha and PopPop!  We have so much to be thankful for this year and really had a great day filled with lots of yummy yummy food, drinks and relaxin!

Mason got to sit in his high chair for the first time and enjoy the Turkey Day feast table side like such a BIG BOY.  He absolutely LOVED it!

Mase even found his thumb during one of his many holiday siestas.  He is not quite a pro thumb sucker yet but he very well may be on his way if this keeps this up :)

And before we realized it, he finally got himself to roll over!  Check out this video of him in his playroom rolling over from his tummy to his back.....

The holiday festivities commenced with a Skype date with Auntie Diana and a little bit of black Friday shopping!  What a trooper Mase was and what an AWESOME first Thanksgiving he had!

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