Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mason's First Year

Dear Baby Mason,

Happy Birthday little man! A year ago our lives were forever changed in the most amazing way when you came out screaming at 11:13 am.  You are a whole year old and we cannot even believe it!  Last year, around this time, we were waking up from our first sleep and couldn’t even believe you were ours to keep!  Our miracle baby was finally here and we were so thankful!  A whole year later, you are amazingly independent at a whopping 22 lbs and 30 inches long!  Really, where has the last 12 months gone?

At one year, you’re walking and running. You love to eat but can be very particular about your textures.  You love mashed potatoes, zucchini pie, broccoli, and grits and have a newfound passion for peach milkshakes!  You mimic sounds and things that we do and just love being chased and learning the alphabet!  You are trying so hard to talk and make all the right sounds, but haven’t quite figured how to put them in words yet.

You have five teeth in your mouth right now, three at the bottom and two at the top and we are looking forward to being on the other side of this particularly heinous teething spell.  You have grown into size four shoes, and still fitting in most 12 month size clothing.  You love playing with the remote control and any other item that we use daily and that’s not a toy!   You are also a big fan of wagon rides!

You have taken a sudden dislike to laying down and only want to be standing or moving which can become very challenging when it comes to diaper changes and bath time!  You still don’t really LOVE the car seat but have been doing much better with car rides.

We have traveled so much with you this year. By the time today is over you will technically have been on 3 flights and 5 road trips!

Your Antique Toy themed first birthday party was great (August 11th).  We had a ton of family come in from out of town to celebrate along with some good friends!  I decorated a cake for you with a radio flyer wagon on top and put together a fabulous dessert table.  The kids loved it!  All of you antique toys were out to be played with and we gave away buckets with glider planes, wooden car, wooden train whistles and slinky! You ran around playing with everyone and had a BLAST!   When we sang for you, you clapped and smiled and absolutely adored the delicious icing you rubbed all over your face and head. We will remember your 1st birthday party forever…such a special day!

We have learned so much about being parents.  You have brought such joy and have taught us the true meaning of unconditional love and patience. We can’t wait to see what this next year brings us!  You are such a gift Mason and as amazing as the first year has been, we can only imagine what is yet to come.

Happy birthday Baby Boy!   Our love for you is indescribable!

Mama & Dada


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