Monday, November 26, 2012

15 Months...Oh My!

Mason is now a whopping 15 months old.  We have had quite the crazy start to the fall.  We spent most of September with Mason's beloved Great Gram as she lost her fight to pancreatic cancer on September 23rd.  She will be forever missed but things have since gotten back to "normal".  We've been enjoying the amazing weather and spend lots of time outdoors where is Mason's  wants to be!  He just loves the playground and could spend all day climbing the stairs and sliding down the slide.  He is so independent and wants to actually do this on his own if we would let him!  Such a big boy!

Mason also went on his first chaperoned date with his little girl friend Genevieve.  She invited him to see Disney on Ice.   We were surprised that Mason was able to sit long enough to see some of his favorite characters!  They had such a great time at dinner and then at the show.  At one point they were mimicking each other at dinner-it was sooo cute!

Mason now has eight teeth and is quite the little daredevil.  He is running a muck and climbing all over the place.  He is starting to test us and our patience daily and has learned quickly how to throw temper tantrums - lucky us!!  :)

This little boy sure is a boy's-boy but hasn't tried to climb out of his crib just yet!
We had a great time pumpkin picking with Grandma and Mason wasn't sure ow he was going to pick his very favorite pumpkin!

We are down to one nap a day and it has been a great transition for this little dude! Unfortunately, he has become quite the picky eater and meals, especially dinner, are not very productive!  Our recent favorite foods are: broccoli, shrimp poppers, eggs and chicken tenders.  He still loves cereal and grits!  Yes, a real country boy!  We sneak in apple sauce, string cheese, crackers, graham crackers but meals have definitely changed lately.

Mamma and Grandma made DELICIOUS Gluten Free Candy Corn Cupcakes for Halloween!
Mason just loves playing outside!  He is kicking his soccer ball like a real pro and also loves to throw it across the yard with all of his mite.  He is also saying a few words these days--Dada, Mamma, Coco and of course his favorite, ball, made the cut!
"Get me out of this SILLY dragon costume!"

LOVE pushing my wagon and anything else on wheels! 

Mason had a great time celebrating Halloween with his fellow dragon buddy Declan.  Highlight of the year - Mason enjoyed putting his candy back in the dishes as opposed to taking them.   What we were thinking when we thought he'd actually ride in the wagon???  
"Declan, why are you sleeping?  This candy stuff is AWESOME!"

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